

Purchasing Plots

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Photo Gallery

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Frequently Asked Questions



Welcome to Greenwood Cemetery, located in Nashua, Iowa. Feedback and suggestions for the website are always welcome. We'd also appreciate any special knowledge or stories about the cemetery that would be interesting to add to future directories and the history section of this site.

Please send an email to dedson24@hotmail.com and include "Greenwood Cemetery" in the subject line.

Donations are greatly appreciated and needed for continual upkeep, maintenance and beautification. If interested, contact Dave Edson at (641) 330-3128.


2018 Greenwood Cemetery directories are available! These directories include a map and information on plot locations and the names of those buried here. Click here to learn more.
Browse our photo directory for a glimpse at Greenwood Cemetery's tranquil and picturesque setting.

Direct lot sales questions, along with general questions or feedback, to Dave Edson at (641) 330-3128.


Just off of County Road T76
Nashua, IA 50658

For More Information:
(641) 330-3128 (Dave)
(641) 435-2245 (Leroy)


© 2012 Greenwood Cemetery | Web Design by [see] photography & design